Avail's Unification Drop is live, claim your genesis AVAIL now! 🎉🎉🎉

Validium Reference

Verify data availability on Ethereum

In order to verify data availability on Ethereum it is necessary to first submit data to Avail as a data submission transaction. Data submitted this way will be included in Avail blocks, but not interpreted or executed in any way. The submission can be done using Polkadot-JS which is a collection of tools for communication with chains based on Substrate (which is now part of the Polkadot SDK).

Complete example can be found on github (opens in a new tab).

Example of sending data to Avail:

async function submitData(availApi, data, account) {
  let submit = await availApi.tx.dataAvailability.submitData(data);
  return await sendTx(availApi, account, submit);

Function submitData receives availApi api instance, data that will be submitted, and the account which is sending the transaction. In order to create account it is necessary to create keyring pair for the account that wants to send the data. This can be done with keyring.addFromUri(secret) which creates keyring pair via suri (the secret can be a hex string, mnemonic phrase or a string). After creating keyring pair, it is possible to submit data in a transaction to the Avail network with availApi.tx.dataAvailability.submitData(data);. Once the transaction is included in an Avail block, it is possible to initiate the dispatch of the data root by creating a dispatch transaction availApi.tx.daBridge.tryDispatchDataRoot(destinationDomain, bridgeRouterEthAddress, header); with the parameters:

destinationDomain Destination domain 1000.

bridgeRouterEthAddress Address of the main data availability router contract deployed on Sepolia network for Goldberg (0x305222c4DdB86FfA9fa9Aa0A479705577E3c4d33), for Kate0xbD824890A51ed8bda53F51F27303b14EFfEbC152.

header Provided from the block when data is submitted.

async function dispatchDataRoot(availApi, blockHash, account) {
  const header = await availApi.rpc.chain.getHeader(blockHash);
  let tx = await availApi.tx.daBridge.tryDispatchDataRoot(
  return await sendTx(availApi, account, tx);

Example of submitting data to Avail and dispatching the data root using Polkadot-JS.

Environment variables:

AVAIL_RPC= # avail network websocket url
SURI= # mnemonic
DA_BRIDGE_ADDRESS= # main da bridge contract address deployed to Sepolia test network in format (Kate) 0x000000000000000000000000bD824890A51ed8bda53F51F27303b14EFfEbC152 (Goldberg) 0x000000000000000000000000305222c4DdB86FfA9fa9Aa0A479705577E3c4d33
DESTINATION_DOMAIN= # destination domain is 1000
DATA= # data sending to avail

Dispatch Data Root Javascript Example

import { ApiPromise, Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
 * Creates api instance.
 * @param url websocket address
async function createApi(url) {
  const provider = new WsProvider(url);
  return ApiPromise.create({
    rpc: {
      kate: {
        queryDataProof: {
          description: 'Generate the data proof for the given `index`',
          params: [
              name: 'transaction_index',
              type: 'u32',
              name: 'at',
              type: 'Hash',
              isOptional: true,
          type: 'DataProof',
    types: {
      AppId: 'Compact<u32>',
      DataLookupIndexItem: {
        appId: 'AppId',
        start: 'Compact<u32>',
      DataLookup: {
        size: 'Compact<u32>',
        index: 'Vec<DataLookupIndexItem>',
      KateCommitment: {
        rows: 'Compact<u16>',
        cols: 'Compact<u16>',
        dataRoot: 'H256',
        commitment: 'Vec<u8>',
      V1HeaderExtension: {
        commitment: 'KateCommitment',
        appLookup: 'DataLookup',
      VTHeaderExtension: {
        newField: 'Vec<u8>',
        commitment: 'KateCommitment',
        appLookup: 'DataLookup',
      HeaderExtension: {
        _enum: {
          V1: 'V1HeaderExtension',
          VTest: 'VTHeaderExtension',
      DaHeader: {
        parentHash: 'Hash',
        number: 'Compact<BlockNumber>',
        stateRoot: 'Hash',
        extrinsicsRoot: 'Hash',
        digest: 'Digest',
        extension: 'HeaderExtension',
      Header: 'DaHeader',
      CheckAppIdExtra: {
        appId: 'AppId',
      CheckAppIdTypes: {},
      CheckAppId: {
        extra: 'CheckAppIdExtra',
        types: 'CheckAppIdTypes',
      DataProof: {
        root: 'H256',
        proof: 'Vec<H256>',
        numberOfLeaves: 'Compact<u32>',
        leafIndex: 'Compact<u32>',
        leaf: 'H256',
      Cell: {
        row: 'u32',
        col: 'u32',
    signedExtensions: {
      CheckAppId: {
        extrinsic: {
          appId: 'AppId',
        payload: {},
 * Sends transaction to Avail.
 * @param api instance of the api
 * @param account sending the transaction
 * @param tx transaction
async function sendTx(api, account, tx) {
  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
    try {
      const res = await tx.signAndSend(account, (result) => {
        if (result.status.isReady) {
          console.log(`Txn has been sent to the mempool`);
        if (result.status.isInBlock) {
            `Tx hash: ${result.txHash} is in block ${result.status.asInBlock}`,
    } catch (e) {
 * Submitting data to Avail as a transaction.
 * @param availApi api instance
 * @param data payload to send
 * @param account that is sending transaction
 * @returns {Promise<unknown>}
async function submitData(availApi, data, account) {
  let submit = await availApi.tx.dataAvailability.submitData(data);
  return await sendTx(availApi, account, submit);
 * Sending dispatch data root transaction.
 * @param availApi api instance
 * @param blockHash hash of the block
 * @param account sending transaction
 * @returns {Promise<unknown>}
async function dispatchDataRoot(availApi, blockHash, account) {
  const destinationDomain = process.env.DESTINATION_DOMAIN;
  const bridgeRouterEthAddress = process.env.DA_BRIDGE_ADDRESS;
  const header = await availApi.rpc.chain.getHeader(blockHash);
  console.log(`Block Number: ${header.number}`);
  console.log(`State Root: ${header.stateRoot}`);
  let tx = await availApi.tx.daBridge.tryDispatchDataRoot(
  return await sendTx(availApi, account, tx);
 * Returns data root for the particular block.
 * @param availApi api instance
 * @param blockHash hash of the block
 * @returns {Promise<(*)[]>}
async function getDataRoot(availApi, blockHash) {
  const header = JSON.parse(await availApi.rpc.chain.getHeader(blockHash));
  return [header.extension.v1.commitment.dataRoot, header.number];
(async function dataRootDispatch() {
  const availApi = await createApi(process.env.AVAIL_RPC);
  const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' });
  const account = keyring.addFromMnemonic(process.env.SURI);
  console.log('Submitting data to Avail...');
  let result = await submitData(availApi, process.env.DATA, account);
  const txIndex = JSON.parse(result.events[0].phase).applyExtrinsic;
  const blockHash = result.status.asInBlock;
    `Transaction: ${result.txHash}. Block hash: ${blockHash}. Transaction index: ${txIndex}.`,
  console.log('Triggering Home...');
  result = await dispatchDataRoot(availApi, blockHash, account);
  console.log(`Sent txn on Avail. Txn Hash: ${result.txHash}.`);
  let [root, blockNum] = await getDataRoot(availApi, blockHash);
  console.log('Data Root:' + root + ' and Block number: ' + blockNum);
  await availApi.disconnect();
  .then(() => {
  .catch((err) => {

Dispatching data root will trigger an optimistic bridge which will bridge the data root to the Ethereum network. Since the bridge is optimistic, it is necessary to wait for 30 minutes before the data root is available on Ethereum.

After successfully bridging data root to the main data availability attestation contract on Ethereum, it is possible to prove that data is available on the Avail network by submitting a Merkle proof to the verification contract. Fetching proof from Avail can be done via RPC call kate_queryDataProof for example availApi.rpc.kate.queryDataProof(transactionIndex, hashBlock); where transactionIndex is index of the transaction in the block and hashBlock which is a hash of the block in which the data is included. This RPC endpoint returns DataProof object that can be used to prove on Ethereum that data is available on the Avail network. Example:

async function getProof(availApi, hashBlock, transactionIndex) {
  const dataProof = await availApi.rpc.kate.queryDataProof(
  return dataProof;

Returned data:

DataProof: {
   root: 'H256',
   proof: 'Vec<H256>',
   numberOfLeaves: 'Compact<u32>',
   leafIndex: 'Compact<u32>',
   leaf: 'H256'

root Root hash of generated merkle tree.

proof Merkle proof items (does not contain the leaf hash, nor the root).

numberOfLeaves Number of leaves in the original tree.

leafIndex Index of the leaf the proof is for (starts from 0).

leaf Leaf for which is the proof.


Example of Verification Contract

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Modified from https://github.com/QEDK/solidity-misc/blob/master/contracts/Merkle.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.21;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
// or for foundry:
// import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
interface IDataAvailabilityRouter {
    function roots(uint32 blockNumber) external view returns (bytes32 root);
contract ValidiumContract is Ownable {
    IDataAvailabilityRouter private router;
    function setRouter(
        IDataAvailabilityRouter _router
    ) public virtual onlyOwner {
        router = _router;
    function checkDataRootMembership(
        uint32 blockNumber,
        bytes32[] calldata proof,
        uint256 width, // number of leaves
        uint256 index,
        bytes32 leaf
    ) public view virtual returns (bool isMember) {
        bytes32 rootHash = router.roots(blockNumber);
        // if root hash is 0, block does not have a root (yet)
        require(rootHash != bytes32(0), "INVALID_ROOT");
        assembly ("memory-safe") {
            if proof.length {
                let end := add(proof.offset, shl(5, proof.length))
                let i := proof.offset
                for {} 1 {} {
                    let leafSlot := shl(5, and(0x1, index))
                    if eq(add(index, 1), width) {
                        leafSlot := 0x20
                    mstore(leafSlot, leaf)
                    mstore(xor(leafSlot, 32), calldataload(i))
                    leaf := keccak256(0, 64)
                    index := shr(1, index)
                    i := add(i, 32)
                    width := add(shr(1, sub(width, 1)), 1)
                    if iszero(lt(i, end)) {
        // checks if the calculated root matches the expected root
            isMember := eq(leaf, rootHash)

By submitting proof to the verification contract it is possible to verify that data is available on Avail. Merkle proof is a list of hashes that can be used to prove that given leaf is a member of the Merkle tree. Example of submitting a proof to the verification contract deployed on Sepolia network for Kate (0xA06386C65B1f56De57CE6aB9CeEB2552fa811529) and Goldberg (0x67044689F7e274a4aC7b818FDea64Cb4604c6875) can be queried by calling data root membership function async function checkProof(sepoliaApi, blockNumber, proof, numberOfLeaves, leafIndex, leafHash); where

sepoliaApi Sepolia network api instance.

blockNumber Avail block number.

proof Merkle proof for the leaf.

numberOfLeaves Number of leaves in the original tree.

leafIndex Index of the leaf in the Merkle tree.

leafHash Hash of the leaf in the Merkle tree.

This will call deployed contracts function verificationContract.checkDataRootMembership(blockNumber, proof, numberOfLeaves, leafIndex, leafHash) and return true or false depending on the provided proof.

Environment variables:

AVAIL_RPC= # avail websocket address
INFURA_KEY= # rpc provider key if needed
VALIDIUM_ADDRESS= # address of the verification contract, one such is deployed on Sepolia network for Kate 0xA06386C65B1f56De57CE6aB9CeEB2552fa811529 or Goldberg 0x67044689F7e274a4aC7b818FDea64Cb4604c6875
VALIDIYM_ABI_PATH= # path to abi file e.g. abi/ValidiumContract.json
BLOCK_NUMBER= # number of the block for which to get Merkle proof
BLOCK_HASH= # hash of the block for which to get Merkle proof
TRANSACTION_INDEX= # index of the transaction in the block

Submit Proof Example

import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { hexlify } from 'ethers/lib/utils.js';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
 * Creates api instance.
 * @param url websocket address
 * @returns {Promise<ApiPromise>}
async function createApi(url) {
  const provider = new WsProvider(url);
  // Create the API and wait until ready
  return ApiPromise.create({
    rpc: {
      kate: {
        queryDataProof: {
          description: 'Generate the data proof for the given `index`',
          params: [
              name: 'data_index',
              type: 'u32',
              name: 'at',
              type: 'Hash',
              isOptional: true,
          type: 'DataProof',
    types: {
      DataProof: {
        root: 'H256',
        proof: 'Vec<H256>',
        numberOfLeaves: 'Compact<u32>',
        leafIndex: 'Compact<u32>',
        leaf: 'H256',
 * Returns Merkle proof for the particular data.
 * @param availApi Api instance
 * @param hashBlock Hash of the block
 * @param transactionIndex Index of the transaction in the block
 * @returns {Promise<*>}
async function getProof(availApi, hashBlock, transactionIndex) {
  const daHeader = await availApi.rpc.kate.queryDataProof(
    `Fetched proof from Avail for txn index ${transactionIndex} inside block ${hashBlock}`,
  return daHeader;
 * Checks if the provided Merkle proof is valid by checking on Ethereum deployed validation contract.
 * @param sepoliaApi Sepolia network api instance
 * @param blockNumber Avail block number
 * @param proof Merkle proof for the leaf
 * @param numberOfLeaves Number of leaves in the original tree
 * @param leafIndex Index of the leaf in the Merkle tree
 * @param leafHash Hash of the leaf in the Merkle tree
 * @returns {Promise<*>}
async function checkProof(
) {
  const abi = JSON.parse(
  const verificationContract = new ethers.Contract(
  return await verificationContract.checkDataRootMembership(
(async function submitProof() {
  // connect to Sepolia through Infura but can be used any other available provider
  const sepoliaApi = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider.getWebSocketProvider(
  const availApi = await createApi(process.env.AVAIL_RPC);
    `Getting proof for transaction index ${process.env.TRANSACTION_INDEX} block number ${process.env.BLOCK_NUMBER} and block hash ${process.env.BLOCK_HASH}`,
  const daHeader = await getProof(
  console.log(`Data Root: ${hexlify(daHeader.root)}`);
  console.log(`Proof: ${daHeader.proof}`);
  console.log(`Leaf to prove: ${hexlify(daHeader.leaf)}`);
  console.log(`Leaf index : ${daHeader.leafIndex}`);
  console.log(`Number of leaves: ${daHeader.numberOfLeaves}`);
  const isDataAccepted = await checkProof(
  console.log('Data is: ' + (isDataAccepted ? 'available' : 'not available'));
  await availApi.disconnect();
  await sepoliaApi.destroy();
  .then(() => {
  .catch((err) => {