Deploy a ZK Stack Validium with Avail DA
In this guide, we will deploy a ZK Stack validium powered by Avail DA for secure, cost-efficient, and verifiable data availability. By following along, at the end of this guide, you will have a version of a ZK Stack chain running on your machine on localhost
In this guide, you will go over the following:
Setting up your developer environment
Ensure you have installed the following prerequisites.
Software | Version |
Node.js (opens in a new tab) | Latest LTS Version |
Git (opens in a new tab) | OS Default |
Docker (opens in a new tab) | Latest |
Docker Compose (opens in a new tab) | Latest |
Yarn (opens in a new tab) | v1.22.19 |
cargo-nextest (opens in a new tab) | Latest |
sqlx-cli (opens in a new tab) | Latest |
Foundry (opens in a new tab) | Latest |
Postgres (opens in a new tab) | Latest |
After executing the following commands you will have installed all the prerequisites needed and also have cloned the zksync-era
Installation commands are based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:
The below installation commands are taken from (opens in a new tab) from the
repository. For any more troubleshooting, please refer to the original repository.
# For VMs only! They don't have SSH keys, so we override SSH with HTTPS
git config --global url."".insteadOf
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
# Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
curl -o- | bash
# All necessary stuff
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential pkg-config cmake clang lldb lld libssl-dev libpq-dev apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
# Install docker
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] focal stable"
sudo apt install docker-ce
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
# Start docker.
sudo systemctl start docker
## You might need to re-connect (due to usermod change).
# Node & yarn
nvm install 20
# Important: there will be a note in the output to load
# new paths in your local session, either run it or reload the terminal.
npm install -g yarn
yarn set version 1.22.19
# For running unit tests
cargo install cargo-nextest
# SQL tools
cargo install sqlx-cli --version 0.8.1
# Foundry ZKsync
curl -L | bash
# Non CUDA (GPU) setup, can be skipped if the machine has a CUDA installed for provers
# Don't do that if you intend to run provers on your machine. Check the prover docs for a setup instead.
echo "export ZKSYNC_USE_CUDA_STUBS=true" >> ~/.bashrc
# You will need to reload your `*rc` file here
Installing & running the ZK Stack
1. Install ZK Stack CLI
ZK Stack CLI (opens in a new tab) is a toolkit that facilitates the creation and management of ZK Stacks. To install zkstack
, run the following command:
curl -L | bash
source ~/.bashrc
2. Clone the zksync-era repository from github
git clone
cd zksync-era
- Install submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
3. Running the containers
- We can start running the containers and ecosystem by first cleaning the docker containers and then running the following command:
zkstack dev clean all
Now, we are ready to start the DB and Reth containers using zkstack
. The great thing about this is that zkstack
handles everything on its own. If you encounter any errors, just make sure your ports are not busy and the observability
feature is disabled during container setting up.
zkstack containers
4. Initialize Elastic Chain ecosystem
- We need to create an Elastic Chain ecosystem now. We will choose all the default options.
zkstack ecosystem init
- Once we have successfully initialized an elastic chain ecosystem, we can create new chains and can choose to create a Validium when prompted. For simplicity, we will choose the default options.
zkstack chain create
- Once we have created the chain, we have to finally initialize it and deploy the contracts of the ZK chain:
zkstack chain init
5. Configure Avail DA
Before configuring Avail DA, complete these essential steps:
Create an Avail Account
(opens in a new tab): Set up your account to interact with the Avail networkGet Testnet Tokens
(opens in a new tab): Obtain AVAIL tokens on the Turing testnet for transactionsCreate an AppID
(opens in a new tab): Required to identify your application on the Avail network
After completing these prerequisites, configure your chain to use Avail as the data availability layer by updating two configuration files with the appropriate settings.
Please choose between the Full Client or Gas Relay configuration below.
Full Client
Using the full client requires you to create an AppID (opens in a new tab) and maintain the Avail balance in your designated data submission account.
- Add the following to your chain's general config:
timeout_ms: 7200000
api_node_url: wss://
app_id: YOUR_APP_ID
- Add the following to your chain's secrets config:
seed_phrase: YOUR_SEED_PHRASE
Gas Relay
The gas relay API is in private beta. Using the gas relay allows you to post data to Avail using a relayer and pay fees in a different token (only if supported) without needing to maintain a balance. It is recommended to create an AppID (opens in a new tab) to use within the gas relay service. Please contact the Avail team if you want access to the gas relay API.
- Add the following to your chain's general config:
timeout_ms: 7200000
max_retries: 3
- Add the following to your chain's secrets config:
gas_relay_api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
6. Run ZK chain
Start the server which will be running the ZK chain. By default, it will be running on localhost:3150
zkstack server --chain $CHAIN_NAME
Your ZK chain is now running and you can start using it. For any troubleshooting or issues, please refer to the original repository which you can find here (opens in a new tab).