How to Use Madara with Avail


Embark on setting up your own Madara-based Validium, leveraging Avail as the data availability layer. This guide is tailored for deploying on Ethereum's Sepolia testnet and integrating with the Avail Goldberg testnet. To gain a comprehensive understanding of Madara Starknet, review the Madara documentation (opens in a new tab).

In this guide, you will conduct the following:


Ensure you have installed the following software.

Installation commands are based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:

Rust (opens in a new tab)rustc 1.69.0-nightly or later
nvm/Node.js (opens in a new tab)Latest version
Cairo (opens in a new tab)1.0
# Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup toolchain install nightly
# Install nvm and Node.js
curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
nvm install --lts
# Install Cairo
curl -L | bash

Hardware Requirements

The Madara stack, being a StarkNet sequencer, has specific hardware requirements for efficient operation. These requirements are particularly important when integrating Avail as the DA Layer.

ComponentMinimum RequirementsRecommended SetupSuggested AWS Instance
Sequencer Node4-core CPU, 16GB RAM, 100 GB SSD8-core CPU, 32GB RAM, 200 GB SSDm5a.xlarge
Avail Node4-core CPU, 8GB RAM, 50 GB SSD8-core CPU, 16GB RAM, 100 GB SSDm5a.large

The storage requirements can vary based on the volume of transactions and the length of the chain history you intend to maintain. For high-traffic networks, consider scaling your storage capacity accordingly.

Launch an Avail-Powered Madara Validium

  1. Clone the Madara repository:

    git clone
    cd madara
  2. Build the chain in release mode:

    cargo build --release

Running a Single-Node Development Chain

  1. Start the development chain:

    ./target/release/madara --dev
  2. Purge the chain's state:

    ./target/release/madara purge-chain --dev
  3. Start with detailed logging:

    RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./target/release/madara -ldebug --dev
  4. Create a plain chain spec:

    ./target/release/madara build-spec > ./infra/chain-sepcs/chain-spec-plain.json

Setting Up Avail as the DA Layer

  1. Configure Avail for Madara:

    # Configuration for local Avail node
    cat > da-config.json <<EOF
      "ws_provider": "ws://",
      "app_id": 0,
      "validate_codegen": false,
      "seed": "//Alice"
  2. Start Avail Node (in another terminal):

    ./data-avail --dev --rpc-port 9945 --port 30334
  3. Setup Madara for Avail:

    ./madara setup --chain=dev --from-remote --base-path=../.madara
  4. Launch Madara with Avail:

    ./madara --chain=dev --base-path=../.madara --da-layer=avail --force-authoring --alice

Deploying an Account on Your Chain

  • After setting up your chain, you can deploy your own account and start making transactions.

Using Avail in Madara

  • Specify --da-layer avail when launching a Madara node to use Avail for publishing the state_diff.

Remember to adjust the da-config.json file based on your setup, whether it's a local node or using the Avail network.