All phases of Avail's unification drop have now ended, 👉👉 check out this page 👈👈 for more information.

API reference
Nominate validator(s) for your nomination pool

Nominate validator(s) for your nomination pool

On-chain name of method: nominationPools_nominate


targetsstring[]falselist of validator addresses to nominate
waitForWaitForfalsewait for block inclusion or finalization
accountKeyringPairfalseaccount that will send and sign the transaction
optionsSignerOptionstrueused to overwrite existing signer options


On failure, a reason for the failure is returned. On success, the function will return a object of type NominateTxSuccess. This object contains the details of the transaction and the nomination pool.

Minimal example

  1. Inside your-file-name.ts, add the following code:
import { Keyring, SDK, WaitFor } from "";
const providerEndpoint = "wss://";
const sdk = await SDK.New(providerEndpoint);
const Alice = 'This is a random seed phrase please do not use it';
const account = new Keyring({ type: "sr25519" }).addFromUri(Alice);
const targets = [
const result = await sdk.tx.staking.nominate(targets, WaitFor.BlockInclusion, account);
if (result.isErr) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4));
  1. Run the code using:
deno run --allow-net your-file-name.ts

Sample Response:
    "isErr": false,
    "txData": {
        "targets": [
    "events": [...],
    "txHash": "0x2f81a34f59d36eb7ada96ec1070358043026d7bd7cfb6fa5a532cc474190880b",
    "txIndex": 1,
    "blockHash": "0x49a57953aa2b2ba508f1c6991515309a0fe89723a79f3831f9a9263ba8c7baa4",
    "blockNumber": 4