All phases of Avail's unification drop have now ended, 👉👉 check out this page 👈👈 for more information.

API reference
Fetch all information for an account

Fetch all information for an account

On-chain name of method: system_account


addresssSS58trueThe account address to fetch information for


  • nonce: Current nonce of the account on Avail DA
  • consumers: The number of other modules that currently depend on this account's existence. The account cannot be reaped until this is zero
  • providers: The number of other modules that allow this account to exist. The account may not be reaped until this is zero.
  • sufficients: The number of modules that allow this account to exist for their own purposes only. The account may not be reaped until this is zero.
  • free: Amount of Transferrable AVAIL tokens with the account
  • reserved: Amount of AVAIL tokens that are not bonded, but also not yet freely available
  • frozen: Amount of AVAIL tokens currently staked by the account
  • flags: Some extra information about the account


  • Every account on Avail DA starts with a nonce value of 0. This number represents the number of transactions executed on Avail DA by that particular account.

  • Every successive transaction will have a nonce value that is incremented by 1 from the previous transaction.

  • To extend this a bit further, the sum of all non-zero nonces on Avail DA will be equal to the total number of transactions executed on Avail DA.

Minimal example (Fetch account information for a single account)

  1. Inside your-file-name.ts, add the following code:
import { SDK } from "";
const providerEndpoint = "wss://";
const sdk = await SDK.New(providerEndpoint);
const key = "5DDY2yzh8uCysYFAiRSTeQVwtZSKNF49CkQkyPH852xvrYKk";
const value = await sdk.api.query.system.account(key);
  1. Run the code using:
deno run --allow-net your-file-name.ts

Sample Response:
  nonce: "26",
  consumers: "2",
  providers: "1",
  sufficients: "0",
  data: {
    free: "3,809,329,880,703,171,553,761",
    reserved: "2,100,000,000,000,000,000",
    frozen: "1,008,370,553,028,965,837,506",
    flags: "170,141,183,460,469,231,731,687,303,715,884,105,728"