All phases of Avail's unification drop have now ended, 👉👉 check out this page 👈👈 for more information.

API reference
Become a validator on Avail DA

Become a validator on Avail DA

On-chain name of extrinsic: staking_validate


commissionnumberfalsehow much validator charge nominators in 0 - 100 range
blockedbooleanfalsewhether or not this validator accepts nominations
waitForWaitForfalsewait for block inclusion or finalization
accountKeyringPairfalseaccount that will send and sign the transaction
optionsSignerOptionstrueused to overwrite existing signer options

Return value

On failure, a reason of failure is returned. On Success, ValidatorPrefsSet event, transaction hash and block hash is returned.

Minimal Example

import { Keyring } from "@polkadot/api"
import { SDK } from "avail-js-sdk"
import { WaitFor } from "avail-js-sdk/sdk/transactions"
import { BN } from "@polkadot/util"
const main = async () => {
  const providerEndpoint = "wss://";
  const sdk = await SDK.New(providerEndpoint)
  const Alice = 'This is a random seed phrase please do not use it';
  const account = new Keyring({ type: "sr25519" }).addFromUri(Alice)
  const commission = 5 // 5%
  const blocked = false
  const result = await sdk.tx.staking.validate(commission, blocked, WaitFor.BlockInclusion, account)
  if (result.isErr) {
    "Stash=" + result.event.stash + ", Commission=" + result.event.commission + ", Blocked=" + result.event.blocked,
  console.log("TxHash=" + result.txHash + ", BlockHash=" + result.blockHash)