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API ReferenceTurbo DA API referenceSubmit JSON data to Turbo DA

Submit JSON Data to Turbo DA

Why does this endpoint exist?

  1. The submit_data endpoint exists to provide a more structured interface for applications that prefer working with JSON.

  2. For submitting files or arbitrary binary data, use the submit_raw_data endpoint instead.

Contact our team to get an API key for accessing the Turbo DA API endpoints.

Endpoint: POST /v1/submit_data

Submits string data in JSON format to Turbo DA. This endpoint is designed for applications that prefer working with structured JSON data rather than raw binary content.


  • x-api-key - Your API authentication key (required)
  • Content-Type - Must be application/json

Request Body

{ "data": "Your string data here" }


  • submission_id - Unique identifier for tracking your submission
Submitting JSON data
curl -X POST '' \ -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"data": "Hello Avail Network!"}'

Sample Response:

{ "submission_id": "<submission_id>" }

If the request fails due to invalid API key or server error, you’ll receive an appropriate HTTP error code with an error message:

{ "error": "Error message details" }
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