Phase 1 of Avail's unification drop has ended. Phase 2 now begins, ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰ check out this page ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘ˆ for more information.

Avail-Powered OP Stack Optimium

How to Use the OP Stack with Avail


Embark on setting up your own Avail-Optimism chain. This guide targets Ethereum's Goerli testnet and Avail Goldberg testnet. For a detailed understanding, review the Optimism Documentation (opens in a new tab).

In this guide, you will conduct the following:


Ensure you have installed the following software.

Installation commands are based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:

Git (opens in a new tab)OS default
Go (opens in a new tab)1.20
Node (opens in a new tab)16.19.0
Pnpm (opens in a new tab)8.5.6
Make (opens in a new tab)OS default
jq (opens in a new tab)OS default
direnv (opens in a new tab)Latest
Foundry (opens in a new tab)Foundry will be installed locally within the project's environment, via package.json
# Install Git
sudo apt install -y git curl make jq
# Install Go
tar xvzf go1.20.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo cp go/bin/go /usr/bin/go
sudo mv go /usr/lib
echo export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go >> ~/.bashrc
# Install Node.js
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm
# Install Pnpm
sudo npm install -g pnpm
# Install Make
sudo apt install -y make
# Install jq
sudo apt install -y jq
# Install direnv
sudo apt install -y direnv

Compile the Core Codebase

Setting up the EVM Rollup requires compiling code from two critical repositories: the avail-op-stack-adapter monorepo (opens in a new tab) and the op-geth repository (opens in a new tab).

Build the Adapter Source

  1. Clone and navigate to the Avail adapter:

    git clone
    cd avail-op-stack-adapter
  2. Install modules:

    pnpm install
  3. Compile the necessary packages:

    make op-node op-batcher op-proposer
    pnpm build

Build the Optimism Geth Source

  1. Clone and navigate to op-geth:

    git clone
    cd op-geth
  2. Compile op-geth:

    make geth

Get Access to a Goerli Node

For deploying to Goerli, access an L1 node using a provider like Alchemy (opens in a new tab) or run your own Goerli node (opens in a new tab).

Generate and Secure Keys

Create four essential accounts with private keys:

  • Admin (contract upgrade authority)
  • Batcher (publishes Sequencer data to L1)
  • Proposer (publishes L2 results to L1)
  • Sequencer (signs blocks on the p2p network)

You can use cast wallet in the contracts-bedrock package for key generation:

  1. In the Avail adapter repo, navigate to the contracts-bedrock package (opens in a new tab):

    cd ~/avail-op-stack-adapter/packages/contracts-bedrock
  2. Generate accounts:

    echo "Admin:"
    cast wallet new
    echo "Proposer:"
    cast wallet new
    echo "Batcher:"
    cast wallet new
    echo "Sequencer:"
    cast wallet new

    You should see an output similar to:

    Successfully created new keypair.
    Address:     0xc4A01194958DE0D90A876e8A5fc9D7B530072148
    Private key: 0xb8e39bd94a210e410c4024e1cc91014de45a5eb1e42f3aa99a368b5a5ac19b45
    Successfully created new keypair.
    Address:     0xFC0374Ae658e46cA4022acA179d3cb6D8e1A4934
    Private key: 0xa9bc1b3f5deb1e00251df68bf86e3493b25bc5430665433546f2f9aacc748d1a
    Successfully created new keypair.
    Address:     0xD6857B5BE9468Be67d64ABaB48459378d5329b96
    Private key: 0xe9cd8960fc7984a301d567b819e0c62871eb2c7239c2e66b8f319eaa45c3cbd5
    Successfully created new keypair.
    Address:     0x33348817E4B1192D576C4f157e9a5EC93dc5392D
    Private key: 0xd98b49e11e4e0be9931017831395e6644a50c36285d08e14d1a479af5ee08675

    Record and securely store these key details. You'll need to fund Admin, Proposer, and Batcher with Goerli ETH (2 ETH for Admin, 5 ETH for Proposer, 10 ETH for Batcher).

โš ๏ธ

Use secure hardware for key management in production environments. cast wallet is not designed for production deployments.

Network Configuration and Setup

After building the repositories, configure your chain settings in the contracts-bedrock package (opens in a new tab).

  1. Ensure you are in the contracts-bedrock sub-directory:

    cd ~/avail-op-stack-adapter/packages/contracts-bedrock
  2. Copy the environment file:

    cp .envrc.example .envrc
  3. Edit .envrc with necessary values:

    • ETH_RPC_URL: URL for your L1 node.
    • PRIVATE_KEY: Private key of the Admin account.
    • DEPLOYMENT_CONTEXT: Name of the network; should be "avail-optimism"
  4. Activate the environment with direnv:

    If you need to install direnv, ensure you also modify the shell configuration (opens in a new tab).

    direnv allow .
  5. Choose an L1 block as a starting point using cast command:

    Using a finalized L1 block as our starting block is best.

    cast block finalized --rpc-url $ETH_RPC_URL | grep -E "(timestamp|hash|number)"

    You should get a response that looks like:

    hash                 0x784d8e7f0e90969e375c7d12dac7a3df6879450d41b4cb04d4f8f209ff0c4cd9
    number               8482289
    timestamp            1676253324
  6. Next, create and modify deploy-config/avail-optimism.json based on deploy-config/getting-started.json. Retain the default settings provided in the configuration and apply the following modifications:

    • Replace ADMIN with the address of the Admin account you generated earlier.
    • Replace PROPOSER with the address of the Proposer account you generated earlier.
    • Replace BATCHER with the address of the Batcher account you generated earlier.
    • Replace SEQUENCER with the address of the Sequencer account you generated earlier.
    • Replace BLOCKHASH with the blockhash you got from the cast command.
    • Replace TIMESTAMP with the timestamp you got from the cast command. Note that although all the other fields are strings, this field is a number! Donโ€™t include the quotation marks.
  7. Configure enableDA in avail-optimism.json (true for Avail chain as DA, false for Ethereum).

  8. Enter op-avail module:

    cd ~/avail-op-stack-adapter/op-avail
  9. Create config.json with necessary variables (seed, api_url, app_id).

      "seed": "test test test test test test test test test test test test",
      "api_url": "wss://",
      "app_id": 1

Core Contract Deployment

Deploy essential L1 contracts for the chainโ€™s functionality:

  1. Navigate to /avail-op-stack-adapter/packages/contracts-bedrock/deployments, and create avail-optimism directory:
cd ~/avail-op-stack-adapter/packages/contracts-bedrock/deployments
mkdir avail-optimism
  1. Navigate to /avail-op-stack-adapter/packages/contracts-bedrock/ and the deploy contracts (this can take up to 15 minutes):
    forge script scripts/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast --rpc-url $ETH_RPC_URL
    forge script scripts/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --sig 'sync()' --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast --rpc-url $ETH_RPC_URL

Setting Up L2 Configuration

After configuring the L1 layer, focus shifts to establishing the L2 infrastructure. This involves generating three key files:

  • genesis.json for the genesis block
  • rollup.json for rollup configurations
  • jwt.txt for secure communication between op-node and op-geth
  1. Navigate to the op-node directory:

    cd ~/avail-op-stack-adapter/op-node
  2. Run the following command, ensuring you replace <RPC> with your specific L1 RPC URL. This generates the genesis.json and rollup.json files:

    go run cmd/main.go genesis l2 \
        --deploy-config ../packages/contracts-bedrock/deploy-config/avail-optimism.json \
        --deployment-dir ../packages/contracts-bedrock/deployments/avail-optimism/ \
        --outfile.l2 genesis.json \
        --outfile.rollup rollup.json \

    You'll find the newly created genesis.json and rollup.json in the op-node package.

  3. Generate a jwt.txt file, which is crucial for the secure interaction between nodes:

    openssl rand -hex 32 > jwt.txt
  4. To get op-geth ready, move the genesis.json and jwt.txt files into its directory:

    cp genesis.json ~/op-geth
    cp jwt.txt ~/op-geth

These steps ensure the L2 layer is correctly configured and ready for integration with the L1 components, paving the way for a fully functional EVM Rollup on the Avail-OP Stack.

Initialize and Configure Geth

Prepare op-geth for running the chain:

  1. Navigate to op-geth:

    cd ~/op-geth
  2. Create a data directory:

    mkdir datadir
  3. Initialize with the genesis file:

    build/bin/geth init --datadir=datadir genesis.json

Launch and Monitor Nodes

Running op-geth and op-node is essential for every node. op-batcher and op-proposer are exclusive to the sequencer.

Set the following environment variables:

SEQ_KEYSequencer private key
BATCHER_KEYBatcher private key (minimum 1 ETH)
PROPOSER_KEYProposer private key
L1_RPCL1 node URL
RPC_KINDL1 server type (e.g., alchemy, quicknode)
L2OO_ADDRL2OutputOracleProxy address

Running op-geth

To initiate op-geth, navigate to its directory and execute the following commands:

cd ~/op-geth
./build/bin/geth \
  --datadir ./datadir \
  --http \
  --http.corsdomain="*" \
  --http.vhosts="*" \
  --http.addr= \
  --http.port=9545 \
  --http.api=web3,debug,eth,txpool,net,engine \
  --ws \
  --ws.addr= \
  --ws.port=9546 \"*" \
  --ws.api=debug,eth,txpool,net,engine \
  --syncmode=full \
  --gcmode=archive \
  --nodiscover \
  --maxpeers=0 \
  --networkid=42069 \
  --authrpc.vhosts="*" \
  --authrpc.addr= \
  --authrpc.port=9551 \
  --authrpc.jwtsecret=./jwt.txt \

op-geth is now active, but block creation will begin once op-node is operational.

Why Archive Mode?

Archive mode, requiring more disk space than full mode, is essential for:

  1. op-proposer to access the full state history.
  2. The explorer's functionality.

Reinitializing op-geth

In cases of database corruption indicated by op-node errors or failure to find L2 heads, follow these steps:

  1. Stop op-geth.
  2. Remove the existing data:
    cd ~/op-geth
    rm -rf datadir/geth
  3. Reinitialize:
    build/bin/geth init --datadir=datadir genesis.json
  4. Restart op-geth and then op-node.

Running op-node

To launch op-node, which acts as a consensus client, run:

cd ~/avail-op-stack-adapter/op-node
./bin/op-node \
  --l2=http://localhost:9551 \
  --l2.jwt-secret=./jwt.txt \
  --sequencer.enabled \
  --sequencer.l1-confs=3 \
  --verifier.l1-confs=3 \
  --rollup.config=./rollup.json \
  --rpc.addr= \
  --rpc.port=9547 \
  --p2p.disable \
  --rpc.enable-admin \
  --p2p.sequencer.key=$SEQ_KEY \
  --l1=$L1_RPC \

Block creation will commence once op-node starts processing L1 information and interfaces with op-geth.

P2P Synchronization

To optimize synchronization and avoid network resource waste:

  • Disable p2p sync (--p2p.disable) by default.
  • Use specific command line parameters for synchronization among multiple nodes.

Running op-batcher

op-batcher is crucial in publishing transactions from the Sequencer to L1. Ensure it has at least 1 Goerli ETH for operational continuity.

cd ~/avail-op-stack-adapter/op-batcher
./bin/op-batcher \
  --l2-eth-rpc=http://localhost:9545 \
  --rollup-rpc=http://localhost:9547 \
  --poll-interval=10s \
  --sub-safety-margin=6 \
  --num-confirmations=1 \
  --safe-abort-nonce-too-low-count=3 \
  --resubmission-timeout=30s \
  --rpc.addr= \
  --rpc.port=9548 \
  --rpc.enable-admin \
  --max-channel-duration=1 \
  --l1-eth-rpc=$L1_RPC \

Controlling Batcher Costs

Adjust the --max-channel-duration=n setting to balance transaction frequency on L1 and the operational costs of the batcher.

Running op-proposer

Finally, start op-proposer to propose new state roots:

cd ~/avail-op-stack-adapter/op-proposer
./bin/op-proposer \
  --poll-interval=12s \
  --rpc.port=9560 \
  --rollup-rpc=http://localhost:9547 \
  --l2oo-address=$L2OO_ADDR \
  --private-key=$PROPOSER_KEY \

Acquire Goerli ETH for Layer 2

To obtain ETH on your Rollup:

  1. Go to contracts-bedrock:

    cd ~/avail-op-stack-adapter/packages/contracts-bedrock
  2. Find the L1 standard bridge contract address:

    cat deployments/avail-optimism/L1StandardBridgeProxy.json | jq -r .address
  3. Send Goerli ETH to the bridge contract address.

Conduct Test Transactions

You now have a fully operational Avail-Powered Optimism-based EVM Rollup. Experiment with it as you would with any other test blockchain.

Congratulations on setting up your chain!